Sunday, May 30, 2010


Whenever I come home, and when I have the chance, I like to hike a trail about a quarter mile away from my home, and coming home on memorial day weekend seemed as good a time as ever to take the hike. When the air is clear, at the top of the hike you can see miles through and even all the way across Utah Lake to the lake mountain range on the other side.

But as they always say: a picture is worth a thousand words. With this in mind, here are some photos I took during my hike

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The only thing I regret about entering physics is...

I see what things wouldn't work scientifically.

I just saw the Iron man II movie...and liked it, sort of. I mean, it's mindless entertainment...and what are movies for except to let us decompress from every day life for a few minutes. That being said, I can't help but see how ridiculous the physical ideas put forth in the movies are. I won't give anything about the movie away, but how in the world could a particle accelerator create a laser beam?

Oh, well. It'd be nice if it was possible...